Ugh. We're all sick with something. I'm not sure if it's a cold-thing or an allergy-thing. I checked the pollen count for our area and it was rated as very high, but who knows. Spencer has the 'runny-nose-stuffy-nose-I-can't-sleep-without-Benadryl'; Gary has the ' must-put-Kleenex-plugs-in-my-nose-because-it's-so-runny' thing; and I have the 'draining-sinuses-sore-throat-from-hell' variety of the bug.
And I think I have sciatica in my back/both my legs. I'm sure it's pregnancy-induced; I'm going to talk to Mary about it at my appointment on Wednesday, but crap, does it hurt. Like shooting pain down my butt into my legs. But, you know, it only hurts when I stand. Or walk. And sometimes when I sit. Feh.