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September 02, 2004



Wow, you're getting so close!!! I was 2cm, 80% effaced and then delivered in less than a week...I'm hoping that your midwife is right on the money! I hope Labor Day pays off in a good way for you. ;)


I was 3cm and 80% for 2 weeks, good thing I didn't think that meant I would have it soon. I am sure that since your body has been through this before it will be very soon!


You know, I did guess the 5th. Yeah, I was teasing at the time, but I could still be right! ;-)

September has a pretty birthstone. Mmm, sapphires.


How exciting that Ginger is almost here! I know that it's because it's not my pregnancy, but it seems to have flown by. Sending you labor vibes.

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